Advantages of obtaining a marketing degree

Advantages of obtaining a marketing degree

Are you thinking about furthering your education? Are you interested in advertising, social media and merchandising? If so, perhaps you should consider entering the world of marketing. It consists of many activities – both online and offline. A marketing degree is usually studied over three years. You can study a degree in a specialist area or a broader degree like the Southampton Solent University marketing degree. There are many advantages of getting a marketing degree:

  1. Healthy jobs market

Businesses will consistently need to invest in marketing to ensure they maintain or grow sales, no matter how bad the economic climate. Whether we like it or not, marketing manipulates our purchasing behaviour. Quite simply – it works! Businesses need to keep investing in marketing and so they need to keep investing in good marketing staff. If you have the right qualifications, interests and knowledge, you can have a variety of employment opportunities to choose from as the industry currently has a healthy jobs market.

  1. Broad and specialist roles

If you study a marketing degree, you can choose to pursue your career in a specialist role such as Digital Marketing Specialist, Market Researcher, Direct Marketing Executive or Content Writer. If there is an area of marketing that you are particularly interested in, there are job opportunities in the market which allow you to focus your career solely on that area. Alternatively, there are also many broad roles available. You could serve as the Sales and Marketing Manager of a hotel or the PR and Events Manager for an entertainment venue. These roles offer more varied and challenging tasks.

  1. Salary and promotion opportunities

You may start your career off working as a Marketing Assistant on a salary of £15,000-£20,000, but the sky really is the limit for promotions and salary levels in this industry. Within 10 years, it is possible that someone has worked their way up to becoming Head of Marketing of an international company. Such a role could command a salary of £60,000-£100,000.

  1. Benefits entrepreneurship

If you ever wish to start your own business, studying a marketing degree will provide you with the knowledge and skills to successfully promote your business. You will learn about the various types of marketing that you can use to drive sales and build a successful business.

  1. Global opportunities

If you have a marketing degree that is internationally recognised, you can gain employment anywhere in the world. Marketing is an area where the methods and mediums differ only minimally from country to country. Therefore, your knowledge and skills can easily be transferred. Big companies such as Google, Microsoft and L’Oreal offer graduate employment in marketing, with opportunities to be promoted to a position in one of their worldwide offices.


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